Other Helpful Sites to Aid You in Your Walk With Christ
The Hoyt Hickman Memorial Chapter is one of several Chapters within the OSL. You can find more information about the OSL here, shop OSL books, and apparel and donate.
Discipleship Ministries, formerly known as the General Board of Discipleship (GBOD), is one of 13 international agencies, boards and commissions of The United Methodist Church.The board provides resources in the areas of Christian education, worship, music, evangelism, new church development, stewardship, lay leadership development, age-level (children, youth, adult) and family ministries, small-group ministries, ethnic local church concerns, devotional life, spiritual formation, and other areas related to the lives of people, church leaders, and the ministries of congregations.
The other UMC-related Religious Order is the Saint Brigid of Kildare Monastery. It is heir to a quiet initiative carried out in the 1980's by The Upper Room, an agency of the United Methodist Church’s General Board of Discipleship (GBOD), to explore monasticism from an ecumenical context, and has a continuing relationship with The Upper Room through its liaison
A part of Upper Room Ministries, Since 1983, The Academy for Spiritual Formation has offered a sacred place for spiritually hungry pilgrims, both clergy and lay. The Academy is an experience of disciplined Christian community emphasizing holistic spirituality — nurturing mind, body, and spirit. The program is ecumenical in nature and fosters spiritual rhythms of study and prayer, silence and liturgy, solitude and relationship, rest and exercise. Each Academy celebrates the Creator’s blessing, delights in the companionship of Christ, and witnesses to the power of the Holy Spirit to transform lives, churches, and the world.